Larimar: Connection to Divine Feminine energies within yourself, very calming, effective communication. Larimar is a throat chakra stone, and is therefore a stone to assist in clear communication, especially regarding boundaries and effective conveyance of one's emotions. It is a powerful stone for those who do healing work, in that it teaches respect, love and nurturing of one's self to provide the resources to be able to offer that to others. It promotes tranquility and serenity, soothes frazzled nerves and diminishes stress and fear. It is a powerful emotional cleanser. Reduces the tendency to become over-critical of yourself and others. Encourages letting go and allowing things to happen rather than trying to control every outcome. Retunes innate femininity, assisting both men and women in connecting with their feminine, intuitive and receptive natures.
Clear Quartz: Holds programmed energies and intention. Known as the Master Healing Crystal. Strengthens and stabilizes the body’s energy fields and promotes harmony. Amplifies positive thoughts and stimulates positive action when it is needed.
Karen Hill Tribe Silver: Karen Hill Tribe is an artisan community in northern Thailand. They make all their silver pieces using traditional tribal methods and primitive tools. Each piece is a handmade work of art. Karen Hill Tribe silver pieces are all 95-99% pure silver as compared to Sterling silver which is 92.5% pure.
Materials: authentic Larimar, faceted quartz with Karen Hill Tribe Silver heart charm on 1mm elastic.